Sand Dune Adventures closed due to Covid-19

Dear Sand Dune Adventures Clients,

For a team that lives and breathes exciting tours, the last couple of weeks have been challenging. At Sand Dune Adventures we love coming to work each day enable people to see the amazing Worimi Sand Dunes, so it’s hard to see that world gradually – although, it’s important to remind ourselves, temporarily – shutting its doors. Although we have made the decision to close due to Covid-19, we will hope to be back up and running in a couple of months time.

Right now, as the situation changes on a daily basis, our focus is on two things: keeping our staff healthy and safe, and helping our customers. We know that people want to adjust their travel plans in light of the current uncertainty, and we’re doing everything we can to facilitate that.

If you have a booking with us, we’ve made it easier for you to change your plans. We have temporarily updated our terms so that customers with bookings can change their dates or cancel and receive a full refund until the day before they’re due to come on tour with us. If you have a booking you’d like to change, simply email

Above all, stay safe!
In these uncertain times the best we can do is avoid panicking, follow the official health advice, and monitor government advisories when travelling. On a personal note, my thoughts are with all our customers, and I hope that you and those close to you are safe and well.

Take care,
The SDA Team